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                                                                        Panjin Shenghua paint decoration Engineering CoLtd.it is a professionall paint facfory with the combination of developmentand research production and selling.

                                                                        Our advanta nestare origina ftom the first class ouality the ptrnose of our factory is onaliry the first customers the higheat.We start with customers'interest.tightly follow the international advanced tide. strictly complement the national standad.form effective product insurance, Also it has introduced leading technology advanced paint produce equipments and perfecttest equipments from France .America, Korea and so on to guarantee the oodafoduct olit ouoroducts incude stone paint relieve pain, fexible texture paint hie? class intertor and exterior wall paints. ete, All the technological indexes are tested by nationat chemica constrtetionamaterial testacenters,althe indexes are consistent with the national standarddt contains na harmful materiaisit is high-class green environmenthl protection products and can satisfy the demands of different construction desiens and high-class house decorations.

                                                                        For many years. we always stick to the manage idea of "customers the highest, quality the first to make ever ecustomer satisfied and every construction gualifed Havins beentrying for a long fime our fictory has realized all-side development of three brands" Xu sheng hua surfing and Green beauty".what's more, we have built sale asents in many main cited The productsells well all over the countey

                                                                        From liow onoupfactory will further enhance technolouy innovation. produet innovation and service innovation. We will seck existence with quality, scck development with brand.We will make a bnght and colorful future tosether with you with scientific management.excellent ouahty and good service

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                                                                                      CopyRight@ 2012-2018 盤錦勝華塗料裝飾工程有限公司. All Rights Reserved. 版權所有
                                                                                      地址:遼甯省盤錦市雙台子區高家 電話:0427-3893383 傳真:0427-3890583 手機:13704273304 聯系人:許經理

